Article on A coupled flow-stress-damage model for groundwater outbursts from an underlying aquifer into mining excavations, published in International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 44 on by T.H Yang+5. Read the article A coupled flow-stress-damage model for groundwater outbursts from an underlying …
Gravel pits are considered potentially hazardous in terms of groundwater quality protection as they represent an open part of the aquifer system, increasing the …
KEY MESSAGES. mining enterprises are a major economic activity that is intimately linked with groundwater. groundwater often exerts a negative influence on mining operations …
If the fractured zone formed after mining of the working face leads to the aquifer, there is a risk of a water inrush disaster. In this study, geophysical exploration methods were …
The blasting in the adjacent quarry would cause the existing tunnel structure damage and strength weakening. But the degree of damage to the tunnel structure and the stress redistribution state caused by adjacent blasting need to be accurately quantified and evaluated. In order to find out the actual situation of the disease and judge the current …
Coal mining has a certain influence on and causes disturbances in groundwater. To investigate the variation trend of groundwater around the open-pit mine in grassland area, taking Shengli …
Overburden deformation and damage caused by coal seam mining is the main cause of water loss from aqui- fer. This paper aims at the problem of limited research on the water loss law of aquifer under the influence of mining the medium and deep coal seams in Yushen mining area. According to the geological and hydrogeological structure …
This brief considers all types of mining (open-cast and subsurface) and quarrying in relation to their interaction with groundwater (see following table). It is necessary to distinguish between coal/lignite mining, heavy metal mining (including uranium), gemstone mining, salt mining, sand Photograph: W Timms BOWEN BASIN COAL MINE — AUSTRALIA
Mining exploitation influence range. Andrzej Kwinta. 2018, Natural Hazards. See Full PDF Download PDF. See Full PDF Download PDF. Related Papers. Engineering and enviro-management value of radius of influence estimate from mining excavation.
Limestone mining at Lanjiberna limestone and dolomite quarry has created positive as well negative impacts on ground water. With further deepening of the mine, drawdown trend (negative effect) is ...
BALTIMORE (March 30, 1998) --The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has established a "Zone of Dewatering Influence" (ZOI) for the Greenspring Quarry that is operated by the Arundel Corporation.The quarry is located on the west side of Greenspring Avenue in Baltimore County. The Greenspring Quarry ZOI is approximately 4,600 feet …
This study investigated the suitability of aquifers for CAESA operations through numerical simulations, focusing on how aquifer properties influence key design parameters (i.e., well mass flow rate and cushion bubble mass). The findings revealed that permeability and aquifer depth were the most critical factors determining the well mass flow rate.
The APLM should be defined as follows: the water-bearing structure of the aquifer does not get damaged under the influence of coal mining; or a certain damage occurs to the structure and some water in the aquifer is lost; however, it can be recovered within a certain period of time after mining; or the water loss does not affect the …
According to the WRCC in the mining area under the influence of mining and coal mine underground reservoirs, this paper classifies the WRCC of the mining area into 5 levels of surplus carrying, appropriate carrying, moderate carrying, critical carrying and carrying deficit (Table 1). The evaluation value of the corresponding grade is given …
Influence of the dominant fracture and slurry viscosity on the slurry diffusion law in fractured aquifers ... The prototype of the fractured aquifer studied in this paper is the L 8 limestone aquifer in the Jiaozuo mining area. Various similarity ratio calculation formulas and calculation results are shown in the following table ...
The heavy metal concentration was observed high in soil surrounding the mining area, and under the influence of intense precipitation heavy metals leach into groundwater. The fractures and fissions present in parent rocks also play a significant role in the permeability and contamination of groundwater in the downstream of mines ( …
Based on field investigation and collection of geology, hydrogeology etc. of coal mining area in Shanxi Province, the influence of coal mining on aquifer was analyzed from three aspects such as aquifer structure, groundwater resources and groundwater quality.
Limestone mining at Lanjiberna limestone and dolomite quarry has created positive as well negative impacts on ground water. With further deepening of the mine, drawdown trend (negative effect) is observed and at the same time ground water recharge of the order of 4,527.48 m3/day, through mine pits (positive impact) is noticed. The …
5andfig. 6. It can be seen that the cone of pore pressure relief is formed in the overlying stratum. The porosity and permeability will with the change evolution of damage, which cause the s
Changes in groundwater level, hydrochemistry, and aquifer parameters were studied by following disturbances caused by tunnel excavation in a panel in the Ningtiaota coalfield, northwest China. Temporal changes of hydrochemical compositions were evaluated based on time-series hydrochemical data in three boreholes (J2, J13, and …
Studying the influence of the above factors on safe mining under the aquifer of the working face played an important guiding role in the feasibility analysis of safe mining under the working face ...
The heights of fully-mechanized mining water-flowing fracture zone of Yanzhou mining area were measured by borehole simple hydrology method .In order to confirm the influence degree of the geology ...
The height of the water flowing fractured zone and the extent of water inrush caused by coal mining are the main influence factors on aquifer systems.
Mining above a confined aquifer involves the risk of a water in-rush to the mining face through broken floor strata. Thus, safe mining should take into account the important factors which influence the fracture behavior in rock strata. From the geological point of view, these factors, on the one hand, include geological structures, mechanical …
DOI: 10.1142/9789814749916_0098 Corpus ID: 131729370; Research on the influence of coal mining on aquifer and its prevention technology in Shanxi Province @inproceedings{Zhang2016ResearchOT, title={Research on the influence of coal mining on aquifer and its prevention technology in Shanxi Province}, author={Z. X. Zhang and …
Leitzen-Grabau Pit Water level Mining had minimal impact on aquifer water levels. Felton Pit Water level Mining has altered ground-water flow paths affecting the water supply to …
It is hoped that mining companies will adopt the recommendations of this guidebook in their operations and value its contribution to the following: • Integration of objectives promoting the ...
This coupled flow-stress-damage model is applied to examine the influence of mining advance on the initiation, extension, and evolution of an outburst conduit as it develops adjacent to the mine panel. Fractures are shown to initiate both from the wings of the excavation in shear, and from the center of the floor span, in extension.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2020.104263 Corpus ID: 214369459; Analysis of the damage influence range generated by underground mining @article{Kwinta2020AnalysisOT, title={Analysis of the damage influence range generated by underground mining}, author={Andrzej Kwinta and Robert Gradka}, journal={International Journal of Rock …
Groundwater mining on Lusaka Plateau is an issue that needs urgent verification and attention to minimise negative effects associated with it, such as stream flow reduction, water quality deterioration, increased groundwater abstraction costs, aquifer damage, land subsidence and many more.
Quarrying can heavily affect the water table due to the pumping of aquifer water which needs to be treated before being reintroduced back into the ground. ... If the limestone cave collapses, it can cause damage to buildings and homes. The collapse can also be dangerous to people. ... As long as the right people are mining the quarry, and …
Mine flood is a process that brings about adverse impacts and disasters to the construction and production of the mine, in which human factors (such as the influence, exposure, or …
Limestone mining at Lanjiberna limestone and dolomite quarry has created positive as well negative impacts on ground water. With further deepening of the mine, drawdown trend (negative effect) is ...